Complete Coverage Improving Reading Isn't Just a Teaching Shift. It's a Culture Shift —Getty Flawed methods are often passed on through mentors, popular programs, and professional groups By Stephen Sawchuk December 3, 2019 Printer-Friendly Email Article Reprints Comments A lready troubled by her 4th grade students' low reading levels, San Antonio-area teacher Melody Fernandez entered "survival mode" when she was moved down to 1st grade—and discovered the full scope of what she and many of her elementary colleagues were not prepared to teach. She had learned a lot in her preparation about reading theories, but no specific protocols for teaching the subject. So she did what many teachers new to a grade do. She used the methods more seasoned colleagues told her to use, and the curriculum on hand, which relied on leveled picture books with easily memorized, repetitive sentence structures. "You would just do ...
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