Cambridge Life Competencies Framework

Cambridge Life Competencies for Teens is a 7-part podcast series that dives head first into each of the 6 areas of the Cambridge Life Competencies Framework that you as teachers can use to help your teenage learners become successful young adults.
We want to make your lives as easy and productive as possible by offering two things:
  • Perspective – Helping you understand what each area means to you, your students and their futures to enable them to thrive in this new digital era.
  • Practical advice and tips – Hearing from subject-specialists and members of our Language Research team in Cambridge provides you, the listener, with advice on how you can easily integrate lessons on life competencies into your teaching.

Podcast episodes

Each episode features an expert in that particular field, in discussion with a member from our Research team that actually created the framework!
  • Episode 1: ‘Collaboration’ featuring Dan Vincent and Delia Kidd
  • Episode 2: ‘Communication’ featuring Ceri Jones and Niall Curry
  • Episode 3: ‘Creative Thinking’ featuring Ben Goldstein and Ben Knight
  • Episode 4: ‘Critical Thinking’ featuring Chris Sowton and Jasmin Silver
  • Episode 5: ‘Learning to Learn’ featuring Dan Vincent and Olivia Goodman
  • Episode 6: ‘Social Responsibilities’ featuring Herbert Puchta and Ben Knight
  • Episode 7: ‘Starting from scratch’ featuring Seong-Jae (Korean Billy)

We hope these episodes will give you a good understanding of how these competency areas can be simply translated into the classroom, providing your teenage learners with the skills they can use now and in their future.
We can’t wait to share Cambridge Life Competencies for Teens with you, so please subscribe from wherever you get your podcasts (SpotifyGoogle PodcastsiTunes etc.). We will be releasing episodes once every two weeks so let us know what you think in the comments below.


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