Intelligent young minds Kyriakos Vasilomanolakis

It is absolutely significant to understand a learner’s mental acuity. This is quite helpful in case you are seeking advice, interviewing, or communicating, it helps you know the person you are working with. Expert managers and educators are excellent at guessing correctly their staff. Still, there is not a single way to determine brilliance in young adults. The five cases I am writing about are just descriptive not restrictive.Actually, reading this piece is an exercise in finding the right aspect of a person’s fluid intelligence. The intellectual humble Hiring intelligent young people in the service sectors requires quick understanding of the candidates. Actually, interviewing is tricky because candidates try to sound smart, as they ought to. Once I was in a three-person committee to select a secretary among 2o candidates. The trick I used is to ask a question the candidates won’t know the answer to. Then, I observed the way they acted. Those who said they didn’t know, rather than fake an answer, got a positive point. Being intellectual humble is correlated to better decision-making. This is particularly useful in the service sectors which are plagued by arrogance. That was the piece of advice given to me by an esteemed bank officer when I was just a junior clerk. The intellectual humble prefer answering “From what I’ve seen, it could be true.”, rather than, “It’s definitely true.” They prioritise truth over their ego. The authentic intelligent There are several signs that give away an intelligent young person. First, they prefer keeping a social distance rather than making friends with everybody. Second, they read in their free time; having an enriched knowledge base. In addition, they tend to behave the way smart people do. They fear not bargaining when purchasing an item, if they feel that there is ground for it.Demonstrating their observation skill and quick thinking is also correlated to intelligence. The meta-cognitive Intelligent learners often demonstrate metacognition. They reflect on their own performance in class. These learners are objective and critique their nature. They know when and how they perform best. A simple example of meta behavior is when a learner says, “I need to put this on my study calendar or I won’t hold myself accountable.” Persons with high metacognition are often great students and great employees. They use their self-awareness to their advantage. Our study guides contain meta or reflection sections in every level. The curious Intelligent persons are curious; they want to know more, get the details, just for the sake of knowing. Curiosity is an indicator of intelligence quite early. Curious young children are restless just as some chimps. During our long education practive We have noticed that the very young learners which exhibit curiosity quite early fare well in their life. The strongest indicator of Intelligence When I was in the Merchant Marine Academy decades ago, I had a class mate who was quite special. I would study for longer hours, while he was just sitting enjoying the view of the port. He would do our homework quite fast and still got better grades than me. He graduated at the top of our class and became port captain years later. A fundamental core of intelligence is the ability to simplify complex problems and solve them, fast. Some claim that having this skill is genetic. Still, I claim that it is a matter of practice, guidance and observing what other learners do. Any educator would tell you that a hard problem is just a bunch of small problems combined. If you learn to separate them out, you will solve it in half the time.  Conclusion Educators should always value learners' kindness and respect. Each learner has their own combination of skills and talents and they should be respected as such. When gauging a learner’s intelligence look for five things. The more they practice, the better their chance is that they are quite smart. 1. Demonstrating a curiosity to learn more information. 2. Admitting openly when they don’t know something. 3. Breaking down complex problems to find a solution. 4. Reflecting on their own thought process and actions and using this knowledge to their advantage. 5. Displaying obvious signs of intelligence that is being informed, quick and have situational awareness.


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