
Προβολή αναρτήσεων από Οκτώβριος, 2019


Concrete terms refer to objects or events that are available to the senses. [This is directly opposite to abstract terms , which name things that are not available to the senses.] Examples of concrete terms include spoon, table, velvet eye patch, nose ring, sinus mask, green, hot, walking . Because these terms refer to objects or events we can see or hear or feel or taste or smell, their meanings are pretty stable . If you ask me what I mean by the word spoon , I can pick up a spoon and show it to you. [I can't pick up a freedom and show it to you, or point to a small democracy crawling along a window sill. I can measure sand and oxygen by weight and volume, but I can't collect a pound of responsibility or a liter of moral outrage. ]  While abstract terms like love change meaning with time and circumstances, concrete terms like spoon stay pretty much the same. Spoon and hot and puppy mean pretty much the same to you now as they did when you were four.  ...

Attention in a social world’

Notes from the book ‘ Attention in a social world’ Michael Posner, Oxford University Press, 2012 1.     Learners feel obliged to focus their attention when their teacher uses phrases such as:                                   ‘ WE need to do this exercise’ instead of             ‘I want you to do this exercise’.                   The 1 st one is a group approach phrase while the 2 nd one   is a teacher centred one. 2.     Teacher continuous speaking activates learners’ limited capacity perceptual system (ears).   3.     During continuous talks learners miss more information as the task continued; their condition is described as   sleep-like state. 4.     Surprising or unexpected cognitive events during the lesson produce a str...

Τα θεμέλια για την ανάπτυξη της Μνήμης Εργασίας για κάθε μαθησιακό τύπο’

                           2 η Συνάντηση γονέων    21 ης   & 23 ης   Οκτωβρίου 2019                                                              Η μνήμη εργασίας έχει πολλά υποσυστήματα κωδικοποίησης + επεξεργασίας των πληροφοριών το κάθε ένα απαιτεί ένα ξεχωριστό υπόβαθρο γνώσεων . 1.           Γλωσσική επάρκεια Κάνουμε ασκήσεις   με περιγραφικά & ποσοτικά επίθετα .                       ΣΗΜΕΙΩΣΗ  Τους μαθαίνουμε μια νέα Ελληνική λέξη σε κάθε μάθημα! 2.       Τα παιδιά δίνουν προτεραιότητα στην αντίληψη του χώρου .                         ...

How to make progress by Daniel Pink author

https://www.danpink.com/pinkcast/pinkcast-3-12-this-is-how-to-make-progress-every-day/?utm_source=Dan+Pink%27s+Newsletter&utm_campaign=6ec0858b34-EMAIL_CAMPAIGN_2019_10_08_01_39 Interesting for C2 students as well Duration 130 seconds 

Dyslexia: Early Warning Signs, Effective Intervention,

Teaching Students with Dyslexia: How to Recognize Early Warning Signs, Provide Effective Intervention, and Unlock Student Achievement  Pamela Hook, Ph.D., Senior Scientist Suzanne Carreker, Ph.D., CALT-QI, Principal Educational Content Lead  I f Henry had a dime for every time his teacher asked him to try harder, he’d be a rich kid! This experience is common for students with dyslexia, which is often referred to as the hidden disability. Although Henry and students like him are trying hard, they struggle with underlying processing difficulties associated with dyslexia. ​Their struggle is often unexpected in relation to their other adequate or even exceptional abilities—hence the admonishment.​                                                          ​The purpose of this paper is to help educators recognize the warning signs of dy...

Short videos for C class

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Uqe87IThQg0            North Pole + bears + climate change https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EiPXr90GLCw          Family ties